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Collaborate. Create.

Celebrating Femdom within the BDSM Community in Second Life.







The place to go for information on
the Femdom Community in Second Life.

Our vision is to provide the Femdom Community a group to advertise educational and social events, and resources--to grow and support members in their lifestyle journey--building up individuals, relationships, the community and its venues. 

FCC is not-for-profit. Staff and contributors are volunteers. All donations are used to cover the continuation of annual events and investment in the future of the Femdom lifestyle in SL.

is Free

At the core of FCC are it's members & affiliate venues.

The network provides group members
  • opportunities to connect & build relationships
  • femdom-lifestyle enrichment through education, social events and shopping
  • opportunities to serve and be in-service to the femdom community.
The network provides affiliate venues
  • free advertising in the FCC group
  • free ad board at the FCC Information Kiosk
  • inclusion in the FCC Community HUD
  • inclusion in the FCC Community Calendar 
  • inclusion at The MELD, our annual community event, as an affiliated venue.

Access Affiliate information using
the FCC Community HUD.

FCC Website - HUD bl-bg.png

Built for Community, by Community.

The FCC HUD provides access to all FCC affiliated venues and stores, community events in the FCC calendar, and will teleport you directly to venues, stores and events. Developed by talented members of our community, grab one at the FCC Information Kiosk!


Community Calendar

Teleport to Venues

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FCC Community Newlsetter

The Femdom Community Connections (FCC) Newsletter is released quarterly and provides the latest news and information for the Femdom Lifestyle in Second Life.

Open House

Open House

Saturdays 3:30-4:30pm SLT

  • Community Meet & Greet 

  • Learn About FCC

  • Affiliate On-boarding & Assistance

Weekly at the FCC Information Kiosk.


About FCC

Founded in 2017 by three women who recognized sustainability, longevity and expansion within the Second Life Femdom lifestyle depends on bridges, rather than islands.

Tenderly's passion for the community is evident in her volunteerism. She engages with an uncanny ability to move people to action. 

FCC Volunteer since 2017.

Tenderly Raynier

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A leader within the Femdom community, she shared her time and experience with others. A friend to many, and always welcoming others in. 

FCC Volunteer 2017-2021.

Tall Stormhaven

Angel Admin

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"At the heart of volunteering is not merely objectives to be met, but who we spend time doing it with and tapping the field of possibility together."

FCC Volunteer since 2017.

Today, FCC has an administrative staff of five. NallaXea joined in December 2022 as Finance Manager & Build Director. In 2023, Beloved Valencia took over FCC Event Calendar Management and Jamee Sassafras is assisting with Affiliate Management. 

"I was asked to join a gang. A gang of women who know who they are, what they want & how to get it. Be grateful these powers are being used for good!" 

FCC Volunteer since 2022.


Finance & Build Manager

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"Connecting & collaborating with women who stand in their power is intellectually and emotionally stimulating. Sharing our knowledge & skills, makes us a force of nature."

FCC Volunteer since 2023.

Beloved Valencia

Events Calendar Manager

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"Volunteering is a blessing shared many ways. Built through sharing of space--created in the listening with one's heart--that all come together & become more than dreamed possible."

FCC Volunteer since 2023.

Jamee Sassafras
Affiliates Manager

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FCC Ambassadors

With the introduction of FCC's annual community event The MELD, FCC created the role of Ambassador which expanded our outreach by an additional six community volunteers. 

FCC Ambassadors have been equipped with knowledge and information to answer questions about joining the FCC network as a member or affiliate venue as well as FCC's annual community event, The MELD.

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Femdom Community

Connect. Collaborate. Create.

FCC is not-for-profit. Staff and contributors are volunteers. All donations are used to cover the continuation of annual events and investment in the future of the Femdom lifestyle in Second Life.

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